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About Us

Potential BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative vendors, learn more about becoming a BuyBoard vendor.

Welcome, Potential BuyBoard Vendors!

We're excited about your interest in the BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative.

More than 20,000 vendors — in Texas and beyond — are registered with us. By participating with the BuyBoard, your company will have access to the enormous buying power of schools, cities, counties, universities, and nonprofit organizations. These organizations represent an enormous purchasing capacity in the billions each year. With the BuyBoard as your storefront, you can unlock this tremendous customer base that continues to grow each day. 

To understand the power of BuyBoard, and how you can participate, review the FAQ page.

All products, supplies, equipment, and services that appear on the BuyBoard have been competitively procured and awarded by the Cooperative. One of the biggest advantages of being a BuyBoard awarded vendor is that members purchasing from the BuyBoard don’t have to go through an individual procurement process themselves. Just one contract equals a large number of potential buyers. Take a look at the variety of options available on our products list.

Don’t be left sitting on the sidelines. Time to get in the game!

Have questions? Please contact us!

Current Vendors and Members

Find out who our current vendors (pdf) and members (pdf) are.